If you regularly join us at mass at St Declan’s, you may have noticed we’ve been talking a fair bit about rabbits of late. This points to a story my mum used to read to me when I was a kid. It’s called, ‘The Velveteen Rabbit’. Check out the story here if you don’t know it, or have a spare half hour sometime.
In a nutshell, amongst other toys, a little boy gets a toy rabbit for Christmas. The rabbit gets ignored, until one day, a neighbouring toy horse tells the rabbit, that if the little boy loves him enough, he’ll come to life. The rabbit is sad as he can’t see it happening to him. But one day the little boy becomes very sick and the rabbit is chosen to be with the boy in his illness, so they become inseparable. As an old-school cure for scarlet fever, the rabbit is almost burnt in a fire along with all the boys’ other belongings. The rabbit is so sad that a real tear falls down his cheek, and he realises that he has been loved to life.
So, why talk about rabbits coming to life?
Because that’s what we’re on about at St Declan’s – bringing the love of God to life in each of us, together, and for others.
It’s my hope that MGL Musings will explore many of the ways that God’s love can bring each of us to life, and how we can then share that new life with others.
Happy reading!