I remember a tough time I was having a few years ago. One particular night, when I was all over the place emotionally, I wasn’t sure what I needed or what I could do. I had the impulse: “I want to talk to mum”. While I originally thought this meant calling my mum on the phone, I then decided I would go to the chapel to pray a rosary, and to spend some time with my other mum, Mary.
This instinct to turn towards a mother’s caring love, is something I think we can all understand. We can imagine any little child crying out, “I want my mummy!” The relationship of a mother and child is one of the most unique and beautiful human relationships.
While God has revealed himself so that we call him Father, all that is good and true in the love of a mother is a reflection of God’s love for us. Jesus has given to each one of us His mother Mary, as our own mother, and as a sign of God’s tender motherly love and care for us. She can hold us in our fears, she can carry us in our weakness, and she can encourage us in our trials.
That night, as I found myself not knowing what I wanted or needed, not sure of what I wanted to pray or how, I leant in close to Mary my mother, and her tender love was a comfort for me, as she has been so many other times.
So, this Mother’s Day and during the month of May, which we dedicate to Mary, let’s remember to spend some time with our heavenly mother, Mary, remembering that she is a powerful intercessor for whatever our need might be.