Jesus can raise our weary hearts! The resurrection of our hearts can happen every day, even when all forms of company and encouragement fail us, as they did for Lazarus, Mary and Martha. The “Jews came to console them” (John 11:19), but it was Jesus’ presence and words that made the real difference. Jesus’ words have the power to heal us.
I was suffering from a heavy heart a few years ago. I was ill and had become discouraged and felt like giving up. It felt as if a stone was in my heart. I was encouraged to take refuge in this Gospel passage, Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-45). As I prayed through this reading, and brought my situation to the Lord, I read the words, “Jesus said, “Take the stone away”. As I reflected on these words of Jesus, I experienced healing in my heart and a new hope to get better and not give up!
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus encourages us to keep going: “Pick up your mats and walk!” (John 5 1-18), “Take the stone away!” and “Come out” (John 11: 44). Jesus gives us strength to get up and go again.
Let Jesus raise our weary hearts as we enter Holy Week. Jesus always, always, always embraces us whenever we fall and helps us to get back on our feet. Because, the worst fall - and pay attention to this - the worst fall that can ruin our lives, is to remain down and not allow ourselves to be helped back up. “The art of climbing,” Pope Francis said to young people in Panama last January, is that “the victory lies not so much in not falling down, but in not staying fallen down”.
So, don’t stay down!