Saturday Vigil 6:00 pm
Sunday morning 7:00 am
Sunday morning 9:00 am
(Also live-streamed)
Sunday morning 11:00 am
Sunday evening 5:00 pm
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 6.45 am
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9.15 am
Saturdays: 8.00 am (Mass follows Adoration and Morning Prayer 6.30 - 8.00 am)
Before Mass each Saturday, the MGL priests and brothers hold their regular morning prayer time in the church. All are welcome!
6.30 am Adoration
7.30 am Morning Prayer (‘Lauds’)
8.00 am Mass
A Rosary will be prayed for world peace following the 8.00 am Mass.
Don’t worry if you’ve never been to Adoration or prayed the Morning Prayer of the Church before, just come along and encounter Jesus as He meets you there.
NOTE: The Universalis app can be used for Morning Prayer and booklets are available.
If you'd like to follow along and don't have the Universalis app, you can access the prayer via the 'Morning Prayer (Lauds)' page on our parish app, or free on the web via
Mondays 7:30 - 8:30pm @ St Joseph's Oatley
Tuesdays 7:30 - 8.30pm @ St Joseph's Oatley
Thursdays 9:45 - 10:45am @ St Declan's Penshurst (after the 9:15am Mass)
Thursdays 7:30 - 8:30pm @ St Joseph's Oatley (Holy Hour, Prayers and Confession)
Saturdays 6:30 - 7:30am @ St Declan's Penshurst (before Morning Prayer & Mass)
Last Friday of the month - Emmaus Nights 7:00 - 8:30pm @ St Joseph's Oatley (Praise and Worship, Adoration, Confession & Prayer Ministry)
7.30-8.30 pm each Thursday evening @ St Joseph's Oatley
4.00-4.45 pm each Saturday @ St Joseph's Oatley (before the 5 pm Vigil Mass)
5.00-5.45 pm each Saturday @ St Declan's Penshurst (before the 6 pm Vigil Mass)