Interested in volunteering in any of the following ways? Let us know on the form below!

Events Team
Do you like helping at events? Do you enjoy coordinating people, places and catering? Our church events team needs you!
Mass Slides Prep
Help people engage with the order of the Mass by creating the simple slides. All the information & support will be provided by the team. 

Love to smile? Enjoy meeting and connecting with people? Join us in creating a friendly and welcoming atmosphere by greeting and serving others. 


Do you have a talent for singing or playing an instrument? Uplifting, quality music is central to great worship. We would love to hear you! 

Coffee Cart
Are you a coffee lover or have a heart for hospitality? Serve Sunday morning drinks with the help of our easy to use coffee machines. Training provided!
Little Church
Enjoy seeing kids come to Mass? Encourage and help children engage with the Gospel during our 9am Mass through our Little Church program. WWC required.

Would you like to help in a role during the liturgy? It takes many people to celebrate a beautiful Mass. Roles include Acolytes, Readers, Collectors/Counters & Eucharistic Ministers. 

Audio Visual/IT

Do you have tech know-how or an interest in operating sound and AV equipment? A knack for computers? Let us know!

Men at Work
For guys looking to help out with work around the parish grounds and local community. A team that gets together both socially and to get things done. Sign up for more info and/or to get involved.
Little Church Band
Calling all kids who play an instrument or sing! Put all those lessons to good use and share your developing musical abilities. So come jam and join the band!

Love to teach kids? Have a heart for the next generation? Our team shares the Gospel with kids in local public schools.  Support and resources provided.

Do you like to have a phone chat? Provide a listening ear to more isolated people in our community by giving them a call on a regular basis and keep them connected.

Have a heart for the elderly? Our team supports and offers the sacrament of Communion to those at home or in aged care.

Want to help those in need? Here is an opportunity to help the poor, hurting and suffering. Share God's love by caring for and showing mercy to others in our community and beyond.
Graphic designer
Follw us? We are always looking for creative ways to share our vision and faith on our social media platforms. If you know graphic design give us a hand (not just a heart).
Social Justice

Have a passion for social justice? Our team advocates for equality, fairness, and the human dignity of all in society.  Join us in making a difference.

I'd like to serve